Twc Program Guide Unavailable
Oct 16, 2013 Anyone else have 'unavailable' Program Guide the past 2 days? Thought it was just a temporary quirk last night but it's still not working. My program guide never updates itself. 'Program Guide is currently unavailable'. We are available on Facebook at
Alright, so i have road runner cable in my room. I have the cable box in my room so i have the time warner cable remote and all that. I have the guide feature but for the past couple of weeks no information has been showing up in my guide. I press the guide button and it takes me to the guide screen and has the. Alright, so i have road runner cable in my room. I have the cable box in my room so i have the time warner cable remote and all that. I have the guide feature but for the past couple of weeks no information has been showing up in my guide.
I press the guide button and it takes me to the guide screen and has the channel numbers and names and all that, but it doesn't list any shows at all. It says 'Data Not Available'. The guide works in the other rooms in our house, so it is just mine that doesn't work. Does anyone know how i can fix this? Sorry this was so long, and thanks for your help!
The no data happens when either 1)the converter needs to be exchanged or 2) The codes on your account are not correct. Lets say you have 3 converters and a voip modem on your acct. Your equipment should be set up 1st converter if hd it should be on top marked as A 2nd converter B 3rd converter C 4voip modem should be marked as D i recommend you go to your local payment center and have the rep look at your equipment screen and make sure they read just as i said,assuming thats how much equipment you have of course.
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