Update And Delete In Datagridview
Oct 24, 2010 i work with DatagridView in C#, i have done INSERT,UPDATE,but some problem in DELETE code,how can i delete a row in Datagridview and Update a DATABASE. Today, I have provided an article showing you how to Insert, Edit, Update and Delete Data with DataGridView in Windows Form Using WCF Service from C# code. Nov 29, 2015 DescriptionDevelopers just starting out with working with a DataGridView look for easy methods to add, update and remove data from a table in a database.
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The article, or rather a code snippet, demonstrates a simple application that inserts, updates, and deletes by using. The application uses asynchronous architecture for most calls to database. This shows that, without hanging the UI, you can allow a user to continue with his tasks. Figure 1 The application has the following outline: • Gets all instances from the network.
• Gets all databases from the selected instance. If the user provides an empty user name or password or wrong user name or password, the same list of SQL Server instances will be returned.. • Gets all tables from the selected database.
• Gets all records from the selected table. • Add, edit, delete records from the DataGridView. • Pages with the number of records per page is also provided. Asynchronous Architecture The application uses an async calling mechanism to make database calls. Because the SQLEnumerator does not supporting async calling, I have added delegates to call those methods asynchronously.
Drivers Enltv-fm Windows 7 here. In.NET 2.0, SqlCommand object supports async calling to the database. I use this feature to get all tables from the selected database. Delegates are the best practices to design the async architectures because most things are handled internally by CLR and you do not have to bother much about them.
Application Structure When you start reading the code from the beginning, there is an enum named CallFor. This enum is used to set a private variable called when making calls to the SQL server list, databases, and tables. This is done because only one call back method handles all call backs from async calls. A switch case statement manages the behavior of different call backs.