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Where takk, hvarf/heim, () and agaetis had mostly one kind of emotion, this invokes them all; joy, sadness, love, triumph, Exceptional. Where takk, hvarf/heim, () and agaetis had mostly one kind of emotion, this invokes them all; joy, sadness, love, triumph, beauty, reflection, solitude.
Sigur Ros sound like they are finally having fun while doing what they do best. And the results speak for themselves. There are '4minute pop-songs' (those who find this as a negative need to get over yourselves), epic soundscapes (see festival and ara batur) and plenty of moments that reveal themselves as precious with each additional listen. This album sounds the most unique since Von, is both spontaneous and focused which has been missing in their oeuvre so far.
This album is beautiful and even the worst song (the 1st one) is still likable. Def a step up to experiment with new sounds but also managed This album is beautiful and even the worst song (the 1st one) is still likable. Vector Portrait In Illustrator. Def a step up to experiment with new sounds but also managed to keep what makes sigur ros so great. Dont listen to some music critics who are full of themselves when they diss on great musical acts for making more catchy tunes.