Bowling Stats Program
Free download bowling stats program Files at Software Informer. Ten Pin Championship Bowling Pro is a nice bowling game that may make you feel that you are playing. Frames is a very easy to use scoring and statistics program for bowling that runs on your Android device.
Bowling team statistics and individual bowling statistics in an easy to use Excel spreadsheet software program. TeamStatPro version 5. Bowling Statistics for Team and/or Individuals in an easy to use Excel spread sheet program. Now supports Hand Held PC's and Cell phones using Symbian OS that can read and write to standard Microsoft Excel files.
Sync with any device which imports and exports.xls files. Print out Team and/or Individual statistics throughout the year for your team members or for yourself. Professionally developed by Bowlers for the Bowler. Best and easiest to use Bowling Shareware product on the planet. See our newly added Bowling Videos area on this page. Registered users of version 4 may upgrade for only $9.95 About this page I have some sound built in so be sure you have this feature enabled for your system. You might even find a surprise or two.
Why TeamStatPro? TeamStatPro allows YOU the bowler to. - Enter your enabling you to track all the usual bowling statistics (Highs, Lows, Averages, Earnings etc.) throughout the year. We also support Cell phones with Symbian OS, Palm HandHelds and Pocket PC's with Windows CE.* - for YOU and/or YOUR TEAM MATES at any interval throughout the year including year end recap. Your team mates will love you for this. - Automatically and accurately determine your Team's base on the number of games bowled by each member of the team.
TeamStat Pro is highly specialized software for the Bowling Community. It is the only complete TEAM oriented and INDIVIDUAL Bowling Statistical data base program on the planet. It has been designed and developed by a team of Excel developers who are also Bowlers. TeamStatPro is a Microsoft Excel spread sheet file.
If you know Excel, you already know how to use TeamStatPro. You must, of course, have a copy of Microsoft Excel to use this file.
At this time TeamStatPro ver 4 has been tested in Excel Version 2000, XP and Excel within Office XP. TeamStatPro works fine for your PC or your Mac. TeamStatPro HandHeld ver. 5 now supports the entery of your scores and points into your Cell phone, Palm hand held or pocket PC! We support Symbian OS, Palm OS and Windows CE. Now most Cell phones (Symbian OS), any Pocket PC (Windows CE) or Palm Handheld PC (Palm OS) that can read or write to basic Excel files and can sync with your PC will work with TeamStatPro ver 5. All you have to do to use this product is to enter your information in the.
Then simply enter your individual scores in the sheet. The rest is TOTALLY AUTOMATIC and 100% accurate! Here are some of the features to look for: ( Italic lines denote new features in TeamStatPro Hand Held ver. 5) - ALL Calculations are Automatic and instantaneous. - You only ever once.
TeamStatPro does the rest! - Supports unlimited Teams via use of multiple sheets.
- Supports data input into most Cell phones, Palm Handheld's and/or Pocket PC's. - Sync's with PC and Cell phones and HandHelds. Only enter scores once! Best for one team. - Enter scores using PC and/or your Cell phone, Hand Held Palm or Windows CE Computer. - Track for each player week by week and keep a running total.
- Supports from Individuals per Team, plus substitutions. - Supports from games (inclusive) per week and/or night. - Supports up to of Bowling Statistics per year in one file.
Tex Willer Ebook Gratis more. - Calculates for - Provides and/or of all types (actual). - Provides (up to the minute) including arrears. - Tracks bowlers who are in (up to the minute).
- for team members who pay for substitutions to bowl on their behalf. - Calculates Individual based on games bowled. (up to the minute). - Calculates Individual Earnings based on to bowl.