Victoria An Empire Under The Sun Revolutions Patch
Get the VICTORIA: AN EMPIRE UNDER THE SUN V1.04 PATCH [ENGLISH] right here, right now! VICTORIA: AN EMPIRE UNDER THE SUN V1.04 PATCH [ENGLISH] is available for. Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun. Or because Victoria 1.0 needed a patch that I couldn't find. (with the Revolutions expansion). An Empire Under The Sun; Victoria: Revolutions; Victoria II; Get it Here! Revolutions v2.01 Patch. Replace the original VICTORIA.EXE file with the one from. Find all the latest Victoria: Empire Under the Sun PC game downloads on
First of all, become aquianted with this site: It is an excellent site in terms of resource materials, country guides and other miscellaneous details about the game. Some of the guides are incredibly in-depth, picking apart the calculation schemes used by the game in order to quantify production output, industrial scoring, etc. Check it out.
As a new player, you're probably wondering what countries are 'easy' and what countries are 'hard.' Much like in Rome: Total War and other TW games, there are indeed easier countries to play as. Honestly, the easiest country to start out with may be the United Kingdom because they're immensely powerful throughout the game's entirety, so you can mess up big time and still recover. Secondly, I would say that Sweden offers a chance to get a feel for the economic system the best because they have no scripted wars and you can be content sitting up north tweaking the production efficiencies of your country. Third, and the most fun to play, would be Prussia, because they have the best chance of unifying Germany after the scripted Franco-Prussian War. Prussia/Germany puts you at center stage in Europe and will offer more of a combat-oriented game than Sweden. Stay away from, at least initially, countries like Russia, France and Austria because they require more careful planning than the others due to scripted events, and in Austria's case, a ridiculous amount of nationality groups that could cause problems.
The first thing to do when starting a new game is to pause the game. The top left of the map window will show you very important notifications about your country.
Pay attention to these throughout the game. I shouldn't need to tell you what they are as mousing over them displays an adequate explanation. Clicking the crown in the top left corner will display your country's 'home page.' The most IMPORTANT tab on the home page is the budget. Always set your budget first thing each game.
You don't want to bleed money, ever. An oft-utilized strategy for pre-game budget setting is taxes for all at 49.22%. This allows you to levy the most taxes without♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥off too many of your POPs. The education slider is the second most important bar, put this all the way up and never move it. Education is the main deteminant for research points and in this game research is paramount. Setting your crime-fighting to 0 will be fine for the early parts of the game, however, crime will begin to appear in certain provinces.
This hurts province productivity, therefore, you willl glean less money from those provinces, so by the time it becomes a problem it's in your best interest to raise this slider. Defense spending affects the leadership and manpower points you receive on the top tab of the screen, I would put this down initially because turning a net profit is more important. Army and Navy maintenance should also go down until you can turn a net profit because during the first few years of the game, chances are, you won't be in any major conflicts. Tariffs: jack them up. This will become your main source of budget profits, along with exports. World Championship Snooker 2003 Pc Game Torrent. During the late-game I set my taxes to 0 and tariffs to 100. My POPs have enough money to pay the tariffs, so they're happy and I'm rich.
In the early stages of the game, until about 1850-60 you'll need to pay close attention to the budget and the sliders in the budge, however, you'll eventually hit a stride if you've managed efficiently enough to just go into cruise control. Resource and Factory Overview Factories and your RGOs (resource generating operations) will provide the backbone of your economy in the game. It is essential to check your factories and RGOs at the game's onset because of this. Love And Hip Hop S04e08 Torrent on this page. Vampire Diaries Duisternis Pdf here.
RGOs will provide you with raw materials and essential elements for factory production, thus it is incredibly important to keep them running at full efficiency. Key RGOs will be resources like Iron, Timber, Coal, Silk, and Precious metals because they turn profits by themselves and in the case of iron, timber and coal are essential for heavy industry.
Finding these key RGOs will be easy for larger countries endowed with great resources, like Prussia, UK, Russia, etc. For smaller countries they will need to procure these on the world market.