Tripler Army Medical Center Program Residency Internal Medicine

About The Madigan Army Medical Center Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program is a five year ACGME accredited program leading to eligibility for certification by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. Our program has long tradition of producing exceptional orthopedic surgeons.
Jun 15, 2016 Department of Medicine. INTERNAL MEDICINE RESIDENCY. (program identifier. About the Pacific Regional Medical Command and Tripler Army Medical Center.
There are three residents at each level of training. Over the past 10 years 100% of Madigan orthopedic residents have passed the orthopedic boards. The program routinely scores above the 90th percentile on the orthopedic in-training exam. The training experience at Madigan combines didactic training with exposure to a broad spectrum of outpatient and inpatient orthopedics. All major subspecialties are represented including: Sports Medicine, Adult Reconstruction, Spine, Foot and Ankle, Hand, Trauma, Orthopedic Oncology, Pediatric Orthopedics and General Orthopedics.
The goal is to provide consistent training to all residents in the core specialty areas. A fellowship trained staff orthopedic surgeon supervises each rotation. Rotations are generally two to four months in length. With the large active-duty, dependent and retiree population in the area, residents see the full spectrum of operative and non-operative orthopedic diseases. Orthopedic Intern Year (PGY1) The PGY1 year is a categorical orthopedic internship designed to meet the ACGME requirements while providing the maximal amount of orthopedic rotations which includes a diverse mixture of non- orthopedic surgery rotations (General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Burn/Plastic Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Unit, and Radiology) and orthopedic surgery rotations. Rotations are four weeks in length.
All rotations are located at the home program site with the exception of emergency medicine and burn/plastic surgery, which are done at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. First Orthopedic Year (PGY2) The objective of the first orthopedic year (PGY2) is to expose residents to clinical orthopedics, basic orthopedic evaluation, fracture and trauma management. First orthopedic year residents are introduced to basic surgical techniques and clinical evaluation of patients under the tutelage of senior residents and the teaching staff. During the PGY2, the main focus is general orthopedics, adult reconstruction, sports medicine, foot and ankle, and pediatric orthopedics. In the first portion of the year, during our intensive anatomy tutorial, it is the first year residents’ obligation to perform the weekly cadaver dissections and to prepare a discussion of the prosection. Oblivion Gamepad Patch more. Second Orthopedic Year (PGY3) PGY3 residents are more intensively exposed to specialized areas of orthopedics.
All residents have a three-month trauma rotation at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. During this junior trauma rotation, the second orthopedic year residents are assigned to one of two orthopedic trauma teams and participate in the evaluation of trauma patients in the emergency room and spend time on the ward managing patients with both orthopedic and multi-system trauma. The residents continue their formal training in pediatric orthopedics. Training consists of a three-month rotation at Seattle Children’s Hospital and four months at the Shriner’s Hospital in Spokane. Additional rotations include orthopedic subspecialty rotation at Madigan. Third Orthopedic Year (PGY4) PGY4 residents continue rotations on orthopedic subspecialty services at Madigan and their research projects.