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If test connection succeeds and your app fails then it is probably one of those awkward environment issues. Things to check - • Have you creates a System DSN or User DSN?
Wondering again whether this is a 32/64bit issue? Install Dante Socks Proxy Centos. There are two ODBC administrators on 64bit machines. C:Windowssystem32odbcad32.exe === 64bit === Also through. Jan 30, 2012 Download SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA). License for the MySQL version and believe it. Is not required in your deployment.
If your application is running as a System Service then it will only able to read System DSNs (not User DSNs) • Was the Driver installed for all users or just the installation user? I have seen instances where this has affected some drivers. Sarcofago Back Patch. • Use (an excellent tool for tracking down issues like this) If you haven't used Process Monitor - think of it as a sniffer for; file accesses, registry accesses and network access. That is - you will be able to determine whether there are any files or registry accesses that are failing or being blocked. Wondering again whether this is a 32/64bit issue?