Ebook Remote Sensing Gis B Bhatta
[Excerpted from my book ‘ ’] Remote sensing has a very long history dating back to the end of the 19th century when cameras were first made airborne using balloons and kites. The advent of aircraft further enhanced the opportunities to take photographs from the air. Then satellite mounted sensors had been developed to operate it from the space. Whatever the developments we see in the field of remote sensing were primarily for the military (for the power and politics). Designfoil Full Version.
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It was completely driven by power and politics. Remote sensing had been nourished within the core of power and politics. Initially it was not available to the civilian researchers. Most of the significant developments in remote sensing came just for World War-I and II. Although, many civilian remote sensing satellites have been launched since 1972 (starting from Landsat-I), still spy satellites, nano satellites, and high resolution sensors are being launched by the governments for power and politics.
Very high resolution images are still restricted to the civilians in many countries including United States. For example, GeoEye-1 captures imagery at a spatial resolution of 0.41 m; however, it is downsampled to 0.5 m for the civilians because the US government does not allow higher than 0.5 m resolution to the civilians. Arial photography is still performed only by the governments in many countries and photographs are restricted; for example, India. In India (and many other countries), an individual researcher is not entitled to purchase even a low resolution satellite image. She/he needs to be associated with some institution and some sort of declaration is mandatory by the head of institution to obtain the imagery. That means, as an individual, one cannot perform the research with their own fund. This type of restrictions is everywhere and was always there.