Apache Cxf Rest Example
We saw how to create a simple RESTful web service using Jersey. In this RESTful web service example we will create the same webservice using Apache CXF as JAX-RS implementation. CXF supports the Java API for RESTful Web Services: JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR-339) and JAX-RS 1.1 (JSR-311). Darkbasic Pro Crack more. We will be using JAX-RS 1.1.
The advantage of following JAX-RS specification is that there is minimal to no code change when there is a need to change the provider. So the RESTful webservice code which we used for Jersey in the previous tutorial can be used as it is. Only the service startup and client needs to be changed based on provider specific implementation.
The following tables provide information about a subset of the example projects provided by Apache CXF in the standard distributions. Sample illustrates how to. The following tables provide information about a subset of the example projects provided by Apache CXF in the standard distributions. Sample illustrates how to.